

Group Exhibition at Kalamazoo Institute of Art November 4th, 2017 through March 4th, 2018
Gateway to Memory featured in the exhibition Round and Round: the Circle at Center Stage.

Monumental sculpture, “A Monument to Leadership” at Fayetteville State University commissioned and installed in July, 2017 to commemorate the 150 year anniversary of the founding of the school.

Monumental sculpture “Together We Rise” in Corpening Plaza, downtown Winston-Salem, NC commissioned to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the official merger of the twin cities, Salem and Winston.

3 June 2013, Grand Opening/Dedication of the Cone Health Sickle Cell Medical Center at North Elam Medical Plaza/Wesley Long Hospital Campus, Greensboro, NC. One of my works of art: “My Life Revisiting” is now in this public collection of original works of art.

May 17 – July 27, 2013, Riffing on the Real II: Back to the Afro-Future (group exhibition) at the Tubman African American Museum, Macon GA

June 8 – August 10, 2013, NAAHBCU Exhibition: Black Women During Reconstruction (a juried group exhibition) at Hampton University Museum, Hampton VA

26 October 2012
CDI (Center for Design Innovation): “Time Capsule” 2012
(I had eight of my geometry based drawings included in the contents of the Time Capsule which has been registered at the International Time Capsule Society), Winston-Salem NC

12 – 14 October 2012
participant in the Creative Capital: Professional Development Program, Cary NC

29 September 2012
Design Science Day (I conducted a hands-on workshop) at ReViewing Black Mountain College #4, An International Conference: Looking Forward at Buckminter Fuller’s Legacy,

September 28-30 2012
UNC -Asheville, Asheville NC

30 August – 29 September 2012
Haraszthy 200 Festival group exhibition at Don Soker Contemporary Art, San Francisco CA

4 October – 4 November 2012
Haraszthy 200 Festival group exhibition at B55 Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

14 -16 August 2012 – August 2013 “Vandorn Hinnant“ An exhibition of more than forty of my works of art at the Luce & Shephard residence in the Governor’s Club, Chapel Hill NC